Frequently Asked Questions
1.I would like to enroll the programs. Are there any prerequisites?

Participants must have:


  • 18 years or older
  • No criminal record
  • No physical or health restrictions to attend the course
  • Completed related prerequisite course (if any)

For more information: please contact us on

2.Which documents are required for registration?

·      Background Check Authorization Form

·      Turkish ID Card/ Passport

·      Gun License

Note that you need to send your documents via within 2 days after your registration.

For Instructor Trainings, Advanced Trainings and Tactical Operator Trainings, you need to contact us on

3.Is it obligatory to have a gun to attend the course?

You don't have to have a gun license to attend the trainings. The trainings are carried out with the pistols in the CANiK Academy inventory.

4.Is there any physical performance criterion required to enroll the courses?

There is no any physical performance criterion except for Instructor Training, Advanced Trainings, and Tactical Operator Training Programs.

5.Do you provide training tailored to fit our departments?

Of course! Canik Academy could designate the trainings based on your training needs and organization's dynamics.

6.Are there any other language-medium options for trainings other than Turkish and English?

Trainings are conducted in Turkish and English. However, translation services are available in corporate trainings if requested.

7.Are the individual courses held only in İstanbul?

Individual courses are only held in İstanbul. However, for the corporate trainings, CANiK Academy is capable of providing trainings on-site with Mobile Training Team(MTT). For more information: KURUMSAL EĞİTİM TALEP FORMU

8.Course capacity which I would like to enroll in is full. Is it possible to increase course capacity?

Due to the training quality standards, the capacity is limited. Therefore, no extra capacity is available.

9.I had taken some courses in this field. Could I enroll in the higher level courses?

If the courses you had completed is up-to-date and meet the prerequisites, you can complete your registration process. For more information, please contact us on

10.I am an active duty law enforcement/military personnel. Is it possible for me to enroll the courses in Tactical Operator Trainings?

You can enroll in the Tactical Pistol Operator Level 1 and Tactical Pistol Operator Level 2 Training modules.

However, for Instructor Trainings,Advanced Trainings and other courses in the Tactical Operator Programs, you can participate in the relevant training module if you pass the performance test to be conducted by CANiK Academy.

11.What are general requirements for certification?

Certificate of Achievement is for participants who completed the course successfully.

Fully attending the courses and achieving the written-practical exams criterion at the end of the couse are enough to meet the success criteria.

Certificate does have validity of 3-years.

12.Where can we buy equipment used in training?

Ammunition, guns and Canik branded firearms used in training are provided by CANiK Academy. Moreover, you can find out more accessories and other textile products from Canik Stores.

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